
Jersey abounds with myths and legends and this is but one more. However, this is not a tale of jilted lovers, saints and witches but one of buried treasure.
No doubt you will ask why this story finds its way into the world of endurance events. Let me explain, but I must start by admitting that some aspects of the story may not be wholly accurate as they have been pieced together from scraps of hearsay and historical records. Elements have been purposefully altered to maintain the mystery of the lost treasure.
After much searching Run Jersey Events has uncovered the little known story of a pirate ship that sailed the Jersey waters in the 1500s, The Fox. Plundering along the coast of Brittany and Normandy, this pirate ship was renowned for its daring, but like all tales of Piracy it ended in capture and of course execution swiftly followed. The part of the story that is relevant is the moments that led to the capture of the Captain, as he desperately hid his amassed treasure and a journal. It is this journal that has now come into our possession recounting tales of piracy but more importantly giving clues to the location of the treasure .
The race begins here but it will end with a final desperate bid to locate the prize. It is a race, but a race with no route, no starting point or end point. In fact, all the important elements that you want and need to know remain shrouded in clues. Gradually the information will be shared, for you to decipher and over the coming months you may learn enough, to be able to enter the X - Race and pit your self against the other treasure seekers. Beware, you will not be the only seekers, others will be desperate to claim the prize and they be foul not fair.
To allay your fears, the final chapter will not be released before the ending of the summer months in the year two thousand and twenty four.
Let the X - Race begin!

X-Race Essentials

In essence the X-Race can be seen simply as a race, a race to locate where the treasure is located and  beat all contenders to that treasure and yes, "X" marks the spot. The true nature of the event will be hidden within the chapters that follow but we will give you some information to help you on your journey.

  • To complete the event you will be required to travel over both land and water, so this is not just a trail race, as you will be following in our pirates' footsteps.
  • The route will not be marked, but will follow the route that our original pirates followed to evade capture. The starting point location will not be announced but will be contained within the journal as a series of clues that you will need to decipher. These clues will give you a perfect triangulation point, with the aid of What 3 Words so, you will need a mobile and  the app downloaded.
  • Chapters will be found here and will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and sent via email to entrants.
  • To uncover the route you will be given clues, riddles or puzzles that will unearth the next checkpoint. Therefore, if you make it to the start line, when the bugle is sounded you will need to decipher your first check point and navigate to that point.
  • As two head are better than one and the original captain had an accomplice, you will require an accomplice through this event. This is a paired race.
  • Each individual entrant will be issued with a piece of eight, taken from the treasure hoard. This can be traded in at any point in return for a location that you simply cannot decipher.
  • Whilst the event date has not been released as of yet, the introduction states that the final chapter will not be released until the ending of the summer months in the year two thousand and twenty four, so you can be fairly safe in the knowledge that the race date is around a year away!
  • There will be opportunities over the coming months to gain further pieces of treasure. These will be usable on the day as trading items. These "drops" will be announced within the text of the journal. You do not have to attend but if you came to race day with a stash of treasure you would have an advantage as you could trade in the items and be given locations and not have to spend precious time unravelling clues.
  • Chapter 1 will be released before the end of September and this will give you some vital information such as the start date and how to register.
  • Whilst the race will expect rules to be followed, it is expected that not all will play fair and may play foul, possibly leading others down a wrong path.
  • It is likely that the whisper of treasure will bring out other treasure seekers and so treasure seekers should expect trouble along the way.
  • There will be only one winner but this will take brains  and cunning, backed up with endurance, teamwork and some essential skills.
  • All entrants will receive treasure and the event will be rounded off with a  feast worthy of any pirate crew.

Expect blood, sweat, tears and furrowed brows as the X- Race unfolds.

Will you join us for this adventure?

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